5 things I learned after becoming a father

1.Love has a different type of meaning

We say we love this person, and we say we love that person. But I say take that love and multiply it by ten. I am a “solid” guy, but I can’t describe how much I love my children without getting a little misty eyed. Some days You’ll hug your kids and look at you kids, and even the feeling of love is an understatement. Like, I’ll go to jail for you, and I’ve watched locked up.

2. Time- your kids eat it

I am an early riser, typically waking up between 5:30AM and 6:00 AM. My son likes to wake up around 6:30. I barely have enough time enjoy a cup of coffee and watch the news before some little guy cries out “I hungy”. Gone are the days you could sit and watch a movie without pausing it 20 times. Do you play COD for hours at a time? Forget that!

You will spend your time figuring out the important things in life. Like, where are your clothes dude, what is that smell and where is you diaper, or doing my favorite thing: reenacting an episode of cops.

“What’s that in your mouth? Come here, I just want to talk to you pal. Hey, hey, be cool. Spit it out! Spit it out! We got a runner!”

Good times


 3. You are the most important person in somebody’s world

Your children rely on you for everything. Pooped? Let me grab a diaper. Then wash my hands, change my shirt, and throw away my pants, throw away your pants, shirt, socks, and done.

Need water? Let me grab you a cup. Not that one? Not that one?

I dont speak minion. Oh, no don’t cry.

Your new title requires that you be able to fix everything, and that’s not including providing the very basics of life such as food and shelter. Now it may change as time passes, but in the earlier stages you are answer to all their problems.

4. You are more of many things you thought you could never be

  • You’re more tolerant- I once listened to the damn Whip/ Nae Nae song 14 times in a row.
  • You are more responsible- My Friday nights are dictated about what I want to do with my kids on Saturday.
  • You’re more generous- No, I did not want that last chip even though I had it in my hand and was about to eat it.

5. It is completely worth it

In the end, all the time you no longer have, and the energy you expend, and the sacrifice is worth it because you never loved anybody so much.

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I wear bunch of hats and chase many rabbits.I'm Just looking for a medium to communicate the thoughts that I have in this head.

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